The overall strategic objective of the Gambia’s Agricultural Transformation Program (GATP)
is to enhance economic growth through increased contribution of the agriculture sector to the
national economy. Specific objectives include:
- Make Gambia self-sufficient in the key value chains
- Create employment for youth and women
- Stimulate private sector investment and promote value addition
- Accelerate wealth creation
- Position Gambia agriculture to be climate resilient
The GATP strategic plan details out the strategy highlights of the six areas of the programme
namely: 1) upgrading strategies for crops improvement, 2) upgrading strategies for poultry and
livestock improvement, 3) value chain financing, 4) youth engagement in agriculture, 5) public private partnership, and 6) coordination and management of the strategy.
• Crop Upgrading Strategy
- Production Expansion and Productivity Enhancement;
- Upgrading the Agricultural Extension Program;
- Training of Extension/Frontline Agents;
- Training of Trainers (TOT) on technology transfer for commodity value chain crops;
- Training of Women on Lowland Cereal/Vegetable growing;
- Strategies for Land Consolidation;
- Improving Horticulture (fruits and vegetables);
- Controlling Soil Degradation;
- Commercialization of the Seed Industry and Refurbishment of Village Seed Stores;
- Revitalization of Farmer Cooperatives for improve Market Access; and
- Institution of Structured market System.
• Upgrading Strategy for Poultry and Livestock
- Improve Production and Productivity of Local Breeds;
- Improve Local Chicken Production and Productivity;
- Enhance Commercial poultry production (Broilers and Layers);
- Strengthen Public and Private Sector Veterinary Service Delivery;
- Strengthening Poultry Value Chain;
- Strengthening Small Ruminant Value Chain; and
- Enhancing Management of Shared Resources.
• Youth Engagement Strategies
- Support and Strengthen Youth Empowerment
- Training, and Incubation Centers;
- Develop youth-specific financing mechanisms;
- Strengthen existing entrepreneurship education in TVET and university programmes;
- Transform the mix farming centres into model youth and women production centres;
- Revisit and address existing land tenure system challenges;
- Continue to strengthen the policy and regulatory environment;
- Youth Engagement through Peer Review; and
- Youth Engagement through Schools Young Farmers Club.
• Value Chain Financing
- Improving the Operating environment for Agricultural Financing;
- Agriculture Financing Risk Mitigation;
- Promote All-inclusive agriculture financing system;
- Coordination and Information Sharing for Improved MFI operating environment;
- Consolidation and Upscaling of the VISACAs;
- Expand the Scope of the of Matching Grant Funds into Micro-finance system;
- Self-Employment Assistance Programme (SAP); and
- Product Marketing through the use of ICT.
Ministry of Public Service
6 documents -
Office of The Vice President
3 documents -
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Security
8 documents -
Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education
2 documents -
Ministry of Defence
2 documents -
Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources
10 documents -
Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs
11 documents -
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
1 document -
Ministry of Health
30 documents -
Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology
3 documents -
Ministry of Information and Communications Infrastructure
24 documents -
Ministry of Interior
3 documents -
Ministry of Justice
1 document -
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
5 documents -
Ministry of Trade Industry and Employment
8 documents -
Ministry of Transport Works and Infrastructure
3 documents -
Ministry of Tourism and Culture
3 documents -
Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare
9 documents -
Ministry of Youths and Sports
2 documents -
Ministry of Land and Regional Government
1 document -
Ministry of Fisheries and Water Resources
3 documents -
Office of The Presient
0 documents